Meet the Night Security Coordinator Team: Our Experts Answer Your Burning Questions!

We’re shining a spotlight on our dedicated night security operations team at Retail Security Services. In this Q&A we delve into their experiences and the essential role they play
in ensuring the safety and security of our clients’ facilities.

Keep reading to get to know the people behind the night shift and gain valuable insights into the nighttime world of security coordination!

The Panel:
Dawn Marsh, Night Supervisor
Emily Bugiada, Senior Night Coordinator
Meghan Diggett, Nights Client Manager



1. What does a typical night shift look like?

There is nothing “typical” for the night shift! We handle close to 300 follow ups a night, plus
anything that could happen at any time! We deal with those as well as all issues that may
arise. Procedure aside, we adapt and multi task. We also work on dispatching emergencies
and next day calls that come in all night.

We switch roles each day, some may be in charge of checking guards in and out. We are in
contact with partners all night- whether it’s to do the above-mentioned or to cancel a work
order. We may call them if management has brought something specific to our attention. We
also work on all emergency dispatches that come in throughout the night for the night or next
day. We get hit with it all and deal with things as they come in- at night we program our mind to
be able to switch duties as needed all night.

2. How much do you work with other teammates?

I work with the night crew through the entire night and ensure clients are thoroughly updated
on anything happening at their sites.

Being the Supervisor I work with everyone on the team all night long! I get to be their teammate,
teacher, coach, motivator, and so much more. Since it’s just us after 5pm it makes us all closer
because we’re all we have here at night!

I say it all the time- my team is awesome. The night crew is really like a little family (not to be
cliche!). The boys are the annoying brothers, and the girls are the sassy sisters, but I love them
all. Our team is a perfect match of people- we really all help each other, keep each other all
balanced, and pick up where needed because we know that the easiest way to get through
the night is if we are all helping each other.

3. What do you think it takes to be successful in this role?

Attention to detail. If you understand how everything flows and get familiar with what to do in
each situation, you will realize the process never really changes no matter the situation. If you
know and implement the RSS protocol things will flow smoothly. What sets people apart is
understanding the details and why they’re important.

Attention to detail and ability to multitask.

4. What do you think sets RSS apart from other security providers?

The company is built on the most important key factors to retail facility service; commitment,
consistency, creativity, and communication. From top to bottom, everyone here shares the same
views and has the same goals about quality service and its’ importance in the industry, that
alone sets us apart, and then everything else is a bonus!

Retail Security Services really top other providers because our team as a whole (day or night
crew) don’t just schedule them and are done. We follow up with clients, we follow up with
management to make sure everything is up to par onsite. From start to finish we make sure
everything is going smoothly with no bumps, and when the bumps happen we fix them. We
always do our best when it comes to making sure our representation of RSS isn’t just doing
what’s asked, but exceeding our clients’ expectations.

5. What’s your favorite part of the job?

Being a part of the growth and success that RSS continues to have each year!

I’m a people person, so I love the interaction with people. I get to do that every day- whether
its calling stores, clients, or guards- I get to talk to people all day long. I am never sitting at my
desk with nothing to do. My nights are always busy and I get to deal with all kinds of people all
night, it really keeps me on my toes.

6. What’s a memorable experience or success story from your time working the night shift?

One night our supervisor and client manager were out, so the night crew and I took on a TEXAS
STORM. There were orders swarming in for ASAP guards, plus the other non-Texas storm
related emergencies. Safe to say, we got everything scheduled and covered and our clients
were very happy. But we did want to hide under our desks that night!

We have so many! I love the guards with their amazing tall tales. We’ve had to deal with some
crazy natural disasters! This year the most memorable was the hurricane in Texas. We had
over 60 locations that needed guards and the team got every one of them covered while still
handling all our regular work!

7. What’s your favorite late-night snack?

Reese Puffs Cereal

Gummy Bears! The sugar keeps me going when I get sick of late night coffee 😊

Night crew literally eats all night long! My favorite though is peanut butter cups or popcorn.